media monitoring

For daily media coverage, news, advertisements data and report analysis

Online Media
Access news and ads data from online and social media sources
Broadcast Media
Media coverages 24/7 on all local TV-Radio and selected foreign TV channels

Print Media

Fetch information from 100+ National and Local newspaper

Media Monitoring Services

Media Archiving: Newspaper, TV-Radio Broadcast, Online Content

Since 2000, all the newspaper has been archived as well as archived screenshots of selected online media. Spanwide also got TV and Radio outlets cover from 2008. You will get 24/7 TV and Radio broadcast, news, talk shows, entertainment programs, sports, movies, drama, reality shows and commercials. Also we will provide you exclusive data of particular news reports or advertisements from archived clips and footages.

Media tov/radio broadcast monitoring

Advertisements Data and Report Analysis

Spanwide tracks all kinds of campaigns and advertisements on Radio, TV, Print and Online media. With skilled expertise and industry understanding, Spanwide identifies various advertising trends to help you set the right marketing plan. Our expert team assures you the ability to analyze and make a recognizable media strategy against competitors to boost a campaign.

― Mission

Ensuring quality service with required data at right time

― Vision

Providing accurate Media information that will effect your marketing plan

We create brand
identities and craft
digital experiences.